Open Call for Entries by Artists in western and central Kentucky and southern Indiana
DEADLINE: October 27th 2022
It is VERY important to note that this is NOT a call for works ABOUT Kentucky. There is no thematic requirement. The exhibit is solely focused on works by artists living in Kentucky and southern Indiana.
This exhibit has no defined expectation for type, media, or style of work to be considered or selected. THIS IS AN OPEN CALL. Submissions can range from the most traditional to the most conceptual or experimental. The only criteria for entry is that works must qualify as works of visual art in the broadest sense of the term. The Show will open on November 5th.
This exhibit is open to everyone ages 16 and up. The only limitation is that entries must represent original works by the artist.
Open to all traditional and non-traditional 2D and 3D media.
This will be a juried art show. Juries change from project to project, and have no collective predisposition towards any particular kind or style of art. The jury's directive is to seek and score accordingly the best quality work possible.
There is no size restrictions on submissions other than what can fit in our spaces, on our walls, and through our door. Artists considering submitting who have work which may exceed these limits are welcome to contact us to inquire about specific limits at
There is no requirements on timeframe when submitted works must have been made. Our jury process does not consider the date of the work when scoring or selecting works for exhibit.
One artist will be selected as best of show and given a small cash prize.
$3 per entry submitted. Artists are allowed multiple submissions at the same rate. Fees are non-refundable. Number of entries is unlimited. Entry fee must be paid cash, or by credit card via PayPal. (If paying by PayPal PLEASE use the paypal link provided on the page that follows the submission of the online entry form.)
Any fee payment must reference your name, or we must be notified if another party is paying your fee.
All proceeds from entry fees fund project-related expenses.
This exhibit will be juried by an anonymous multi-member panel of volunteer professional and academic advisors with a broad range of expertise relative to art and design. The jury will then pass along their recommendations to the exhibit curator who will make the final selections from the jury-approved pool.
We only accept digital images/files for consideration. See specifications below. The Gallery will retain the submitted images of accepted artwork and reserves the right to use the images in publications and gallery publicity.
Entry images must meet the following specifications:
All entry files (regardless of type or media) must be named with artist's last name (underscore) first name, followed by the entry number as noted on the entry form (i.e. Jones_Mike_1.jpg). Please DO NOT include any other information in the file name, such as title of work, etc. Please do not include detail photos on the entry form. If it is important for us to see detail photos during the jury process please email them to:
The image files should be in HIGH QUALITY JPEG format, images should be no smaller than 1000 pixels in any direction (about 13”) and 72dpi. This should result in most image files ranging from 700kb to 2mb in file size but this is only approximate. Unedited smartphone photos usually meet these requirements without any change necessary.
Images must be oriented properly (i.e. top of image is top of artwork) and should not include text info or borders that are not part of the actual work. Any essential information regarding the nature of entries should be included in the notes section for each work on the entry form.
VIDEO etc.?
All video or interactive submissions, or video details illustrating an entry should be in the form of a link to a viewable online copy of each work AND a single representative jpeg image. The work should be shown online in its full length. It is understood that online versions of video files may be lower quality than those expected for exhibition in the gallery due to compression and Internet formatting.
Note that a jpeg still image should still be submitted to represent the entry in addition to the video material, and this file name should include the term 'video'. Please email us if you have any uncertainty about this
Video links should be provided on the entry form for each work in the VIEWING LINK section, and should link directly to online or downloadable content that does NOT require a login, password or membership to view. These may be in the form of Youtube, Vimeo, Dropbox, or other similar links.
Links to video entries must remain valid and active through the notification of jury results.
Submitting the entry form indicates that you agree with the conditions of entry and exhibit as outlined in this prospectus, that you are reserving spots in our jury, that you will send the entry fee, and that you agree to make your work available and will ship/deliver it to the gallery by the date specified should it be selected for exhibit.
DO NOT submit an entry form if you cannot follow through. Do not double-book your work, commit it to other conflicting exhibitions, or sell it without securing its availability for our exhibit, after submitting to this project.
Completed entry form (online submission is required)
Fee paid by cash or credit card via PayPal
Digital images formatted as directed (e-mailed is preferred), or linked video/interactive work referenced on the entry form.
All work accepted for the exhibition must arrive ready to install. Works not gallery-ready may be omitted from the exhibit. Accepted work that differs significantly from the entry images or suffers from poor presentation, will be disqualified. Work may be hand delivered or shipped. Shipped works must be sent in an easily reusable container/packaging with return shipping prepaid. Works will be returned in the same manner as delivered or via UPS/USPS. All work must arrive at River’s Edge Art Gallery by the specified date (see calendar below). Accepted work will remain on display for the duration of the exhibition. Works not claimed within 30 days of the end of the exhibit will become the property of Cloverport Arts Council. The artists are responsible for all shipping costs to and from the gallery.
Artworks are not required to be for sale in order to be included in exhibitions. It is required that works are indicated as either "for sale" or not for sale (NFS) on the submitted entry form. River’s Edge Art Gallery will retain a commission of 30% of the sale price on all artwork sold during the exhibition. Artists set the sale price on the entry form, and in doing so should account for all logistical costs, framing, etc. related to making the work exhibit-ready. Sale price and status cannot be changed after the deadline to submit.
OCTOBER 27th - Deadline for receipt of entries
OCTOBER 29th - Notifications sent by email to all entrants during this timeframe
NOVEMBER 2nd - Artwork due to River’s Edge on this date. Please drop off works between 4pm and 6pm.
NOVEMBER 5th - Public Opening Reception, 4-7pm
NOVEMBER 30th - Final Day of Exhibition
DECEMBER 1st - Pick-up hand-delivered work from exhibition between the hours of 4pm and 6pm
PLEASE feel free to print, share, or forward this information. The success of this exhibit will rely largely on sharing.